Ontario Food Collaborative

Strategic Plan

We are excited to unveil our new five-year strategic plan for building a more sustainable, equitable, and resilient food system across Ontario. Read a Message from Our Chair here.

Our new roadmap lays out our vision and key initiative which focus on four Strategic Priority areas. These are:

The first goal is to enhance our organizational capabilities and support our growth. This includes formalizing our recruitment processes for the Steering Committee and volunteers to ensure a stable and effective leadership structure.

To view KPIs for this Goal, click here.

Ensuring financial health is crucial for us to sustain operations, pursue our mission, and expand our impact. Stable financing allows for effective management of our day-to-day processes and secures necessary resources for long-term initiatives and emergencies. By developing a comprehensive financial plan this will enable us to be efficient with budget management and make wise resource allocations.

To view KPIs for this Goal, click here.

We aim to establish partnerships with public health groups, government entities, and academic institutions. Expanding on our existing partnership strategy, we will curate a roster of potential new connections, and assess and strengthen existing partnerships to ensure mutual benefits and improved collaborations.

To view KPIs for this Goal, click here.

We aim to refine and advance our communications strategies to effectively engage with current members, attract new members, and nourish strong relationships. Enhancing social media presence and implementing a structured communication plan will increase organizational visibility, form new connections, and improve public education on food literacy and waste.

To view KPIs for this Goal, click here.

Tracking Our Progress

Progress Update – Year 1 (coming December 2025)

Progress Update – Year 2

Progress Update – Year 3

Progress Update – Year 4

Progress Update – Year 5


We are grateful to the talented and industrious team from the Master of Science in Sustainability Management Program at the University of Toronto’s Mississauga Campus who partnered with us to develop this plan.