Ontario Food Collaborative

Food Literacy

What is food literacy?

Food Literacy is a set of interconnected attributes:

  • Food and nutrition knowledge
  • Food skills
  • Self-efficacy and confidence
  • Food decisions
  • Ecological and external factors such as income security and the food system

Each of these attributes are described below.

Categories and Key Attributes of Food Literacy

Source: Ontario Dietitians in Public Health

Food Literacy Resources

OFC Food Waste Audit Guide 2019

This audit guide helps users measure quantity and composition of food waste to support data-driven programming in municipal and organizational settings.

Why and How to Measure Food Loss and Waste

This practical guide provides a step-by-step plan for how companies and governments can begin the process of measuring
food loss and waste. It addresses key topics such as:
• Why to measure food loss and waste (FLW)
• How to establish a business case for food loss and waste measurement
• Addressing common barriers and obstacles
• Tracking causes of food loss and waste
• Converting measurements to other financial, environmental and social impacts
• How to select a measurement method