OFC Member Benefits. 
Join the Ontario Food Collaborative and receive access to:
- Events: OFC meetings & webinars for members on topics of interest and our annual general meeting (AGM) hosted in the fall. No charge for Paid Members.
- OFC Communications:
- The Monthly OFC Newsletter, which compiles important, actionable information on all things food literacy, including regulatory & advocacy updates, member news, events, featured resources, and more.
- Member Bulletins, sent as needed when high-priority and actionable information needs to reach you.
- Member Directory: A central member-only directory with general info about all members
- Resource Library: A central library of member resources including reports, case studies, templates, samples, presentations, and policy statements.
- Member Forums: A member discussion forum page where members can start and contribute to discussion threads based on topics of interest.
- Advocacy: OFC uses its members’ collective voice to help shape and support food literacy policies and programs on local, provincial, and national levels.